Children’s Christmas Gift Package from Santa will be a sure hit among the children with the glow- in the dark pillows and the delicious chocolates, cookies, hot cocoas and mini elf chocolate ornaments.
Children’s Christmas Gift Package Includes: 2 large Glow-In-The-Dark pillows, Sponge cakes with fruit jelly and dipped in chocolate, 2 Santa chocolate figurine, 2 box of ginger man cookies, A bag of chocolate elf hanging ornaments, 2 Gourmet hot cocoa, Holiday chocolates and more chocolates!

Santa Claus package for children with Glowing bubbles
We all love to celebrate Christmas, especially when we were children waiting for Santa to come down through the chimney, sample the milk and cookies and leave a present under the tree. Today as we are getting ready for Christmas we know now that Santa needs a little help from us to fulfill the Christmas wish. Children’s Christmas Gift Package is one of a kind gift package that offers various cheerful gift items that all children love to receive for Christmas. With two Glow-In-The-Dark pillows (printed graphic), children will have a good times sleeping with, making a small fort, etc. And you can not forget the two gourmet hot cocoa, it is one of the great things about this winter holiday, is sharing a cup (..or two) of hot chocolate.
These gifts are perfect to send as a Christmas Eve gift package, for Christmas, and if they have a Birthday around Christmas time. You can send this charming gift to all over Canada and USA.